Monday, December 29, 2008

JSICs TOC service

If you need to follow the academic literature in a particular field, JSIC's TOC service will be useful. Search more than 11,469 scholarly journal Tables of Content (TOCs) by Title, Publisher, or Subject. Select the journals you wish to follow, then export the TOC feeds as an opml file. Using a reader such as Google or Netvibes,  you can  create a convenient overview of the fresh TOCs from the journals of your choice. Naturally, the service is even more attractive for those who actually have full-text access to the cited articles, but if you don't this at least gives you an idea of what is on offer. Unfortunately, the subject search is primitive..a title search on "diplomacy" brings up two titles, but a subject search on the same yields nothing - an authority list of subjects would be a great improvement. A little rummaging around in the FAQs reveals that the subject categories are in fact those used by Ulrichs, but rather than provide a list of  those categories, JSICs merely provides an unhelpful link to Ulrichs.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for mentioning ticTOCs. We're currently working on the subject search - not all titles have yet been matched up with subjects, as you have found.

    Roddy MacLeod
    ticTOCs Management Support
