Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mloovi - translate your feeds is a free service that translates rss feeds using Google translator. Using the sensibly-named Mloovi and an aggregator like Pageflakes, you can very easily create an aggregated page of newsfeeds translated to/from one (or more) of the 24 languages supported by Google translator (including major world languages like Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Hindi and Spanish). You can either use your favorite aggregator and enter the Mloovi-generated urls manually, or – if your reader of choice happens to be MyYahoo, MyAOL, Netvibes, Google or Pageflakes – Mloovi can add them for you (click on the Mloovi button inviting you to add the feed to your aggregator..)

Machine translators work fast and have a literary style all their own, but the imaginative reader will usually be able to grasp the pith of what's being communicated. If Google doesn't know how to translate a word like "arveavgift" (inheritance tax in Norwegian), it doesn't even try, which is probably just as well – and leaves the original word in the translation, as in "The Government will reduce the arveavgift for ordinary people." In this particular instance, Google's translator goes on to add a dramatic flourish that was missing from the original..."Those who inherit shares in unoterte [ie. unregistered] companies will, however, scorch."

Here is an aggregated page of rss feeds from the most important Norwegian news sources translated into English. I've generally limited the selection to domestic and foreign news, but most major newspapers these days have a whole range of rss feeds to choose from

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